Prayers urged for judges in Ashers '˜gay cake' case

Daniel McArthur with his father Colin, who own Ashers, enter the Royal Courts of Justice in Belfast earlier this weekDaniel McArthur with his father Colin, who own Ashers, enter the Royal Courts of Justice in Belfast earlier this week
Daniel McArthur with his father Colin, who own Ashers, enter the Royal Courts of Justice in Belfast earlier this week
The Christian Institute has asked for prayers to be directed to the judges involved in the Ashers '˜gay cake' case and the media.

Legal arguments ended on Wednesday in the case, with a ruling expected before the end of the year.

A spokeperson for the Christian Institute, who are funding the McArthur family’s appeal, said: “Although costs have already exceeded £200,000, we are committed to defending religious liberty and free speech. The implications of the case go far beyond Ashers’ doors. If Ashers loses, everyone loses.”

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The Christian organisation asked people to pray for the judges “that they will give a just ruling”, for the media to “continue to report issues fairly” and to give thanks “for the McArthur family’s firm yet gracious stand”.