What is the point in a planning Stop Notice if work can carry on, as is happening at the Chinese consulate?

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
I would like to add my voice in support of the letters criticising bad planning in Northern Ireland from John Mulholland (April 25), Thomas Stewart (May 2), Daphne Montgomery (May 9) and Paul Stewart (June 5).

The satirical magazine Private Eye recently remarked that ‘Few cities neglect their landmark buildings more than Belfast, where the planning system is fragmented and enforcement toothless’.

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It was referring to the inaction on the B+ listed Crumlin Road Courthouse which has been the target of repeated arson attacks for a decade. But there are many other cases.

Buildings get demolished before they can be listed. A large tract of the city centre lies derelict because Tribeca seems unable to implement its plans. The ‘George Best Hotel’ was gutted by a developer who has gone into liquidation leaving another asset damaged and vacant.

Residents of Adelaide Park have been raising concerns about ongoing works at the former MacNeice House, now the Chinese Consulate on the Malone Road, which is another prominent listed building and in a conservation area.

Work has been going on for some months digging a trench round the curtilage of the building, preparing foundations for a new structure, removing an important hedge, cutting roots of mature trees and damaging the ‘protected’ pillars of the boundary walls.

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After many weeks of pressure by residents, the planners served Tree Preservation orders and a stop notice last week, long after damage had been done.

Unfortunately work has carried on regardless, and the police stand by as lorries deliver more concrete. The planners say they cannot enforce the stop notice. If that is the case, what is the purpose of a stop notice?

One of the most important aspects of planning is the protection of our built and natural environment, which are fragile assets that are increasingly important and at risk.

Ainda Andress, Belfast BT9

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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