Republicans are now challenging the electoral register in their bid to stoke divisions in Northern Ireland

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Councillor Stephen Cooper:

The most recent example of Sinn Fein-IRA’s drive to usurp democracy and render Northern Ireland unworkable can be viewed through their use of a video on social media, incorporating a rather sinister and inaccurate piece of propaganda about the revision of the electoral register.

It perpetuates their insistence on a narrative of subjugation by successive British governments, on of all things, a secure and accurate electoral roll.

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Democrats committed to the principles espoused by Senator Mitchell of exclusively peaceful means support the updating of electoral registers to ensure each election is accurate and reflective of the choices freely and lawfully taken by the legitimate electorate.

Of course, republicans perpetually wish to stoke the embers of division to motivate their base to register and subsequently vote; that tactic is abundantly clear.

The other concern, however, is whether adequate safeguards will be put in place to identify and expose any abuse of falsification of digital or hard copy applications this time around, for political gain.

After decades of crying discrimination, surely republicans’ own insistence on equality should be applied in this case to ensure all of our citizens retain the right to vote on a fair and level playing field, free from malfeasance or illegal interference.

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The days of voting early and voting often must never again be facilitated.

Nor indeed should any rejection of any future fair democratic election results be permitted to be challenged.

Democracy must, and will prevail.

Stephen Cooper, TUV councillor, Comber

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