At last, the beginning of an end to segregated schools in Northern Ireland

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Roderick Downer:

In these horrifically gloomy times, the one bit of good news was the passing of the Alliance education bill at Stormont to finally commence the ending of segregated schooling, so fundamental to our country’s problems.

Just imagine, if some DUP leaders’ parents or grandparents (and their friends), had gone to school with the parents, friends etc. of Sinn Fein leaders, for example, Northern Ireland would now have about three and a half thousand more citizens and perhaps a happy, harmonious community as well as a truly vibrant economy.

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Perhaps, now, people will have sufficient self-confidence to vote for reasonable and broad minded MLAs.

Time to forget the hardline dinosaurs on both sides.

Roderick Downer, County Down

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