‘Serious implications’ for legacy process due to Lambeth Palace talks

Doug Beattie (UUP). 
Photo: Colm Lenaghan/PacemakerDoug Beattie (UUP). 
Photo: Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker
Doug Beattie (UUP). Photo: Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker
The attendance of Operation Kenova head Jon Boutcher and UK Government figures at future Lambeth Palace talks “could have serious implications” for the Troubles legacy process, Doug Beattie has said.

Mr Beattie, the Ulster Unionist’s justice spokesperson, said certain people had been left “badly compromised” by agreeing to take part in the discussions.

The new forum on legacy issues has been hosted by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s chief of staff, Canon David Porter who sat on the Eames/Bradley group.

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Those invited to participate include officials from both the Northern Ireland Office (NIO) and the Irish Government, the Ministry of Defence, academics, Sinn Fein strategist Sean Murray and loyalist Winston Irvine.

Archbishop of Canterbury Just Welby facilitated the Troubles legacy forum at Lambeth Palace.Archbishop of Canterbury Just Welby facilitated the Troubles legacy forum at Lambeth Palace.
Archbishop of Canterbury Just Welby facilitated the Troubles legacy forum at Lambeth Palace.

Mr Beattie said he understands the next round of the Lambeth Palace initiative was due to take place this week

He said: “Over the weekend some participants and various sympathetic commentators were wheeled out to provide cover.

“We are told it was only a seminar. It wasn’t a decision-making forum. It wasn’t a secret. Sean Murray was there as a Sinn Fein representative – then he wasn’t.

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“The reality is that a seminar could have been held in Belfast. If it wasn’t a secret then it could have been publicised.”

Mr Beattie added: “If it was genuinely open minded as to an outcome, then why was the only solution that seems to have been discussed been predicated on the discredited legacy arrangements of the Stormont House Agreement (SHA)?

“Why were victims excluded? There is no question that certain individuals and groups have been badly compromised by their attendance at the November event.”

The Upper Bann MLA said three questions need to be answered.

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“Is John Boutcher attending? Is the NIO attending? Will the Ministry of Defence be attending? Whatever they decide to do... could have serious implications for a long time to come, given that they are clearly designed to deliver a process based on the Stormont House Agreement.”

Responding to previous questions around his attendance at the talks, Jon Boutcher said nothing related to Operation Kenova – the probe into Army agent Stakeknife – was discussed, and added: “I have not declined any meeting since starting Operation Kenova and I am routinely asked to explain my approach and how delivering a legacy process can be achievable.”