MP questions three-week delay in notifying public of Maghaberry prison absconder Ray Lee

A three-week delay in issuing a warning about a person unlawfully at large has been questioned by DUP MP Gavin Robinson.
Ray Lee who failed to return to Maghaberry Prison after being granted compassionate bail. Photo: PSNI/PA WireRay Lee who failed to return to Maghaberry Prison after being granted compassionate bail. Photo: PSNI/PA Wire
Ray Lee who failed to return to Maghaberry Prison after being granted compassionate bail. Photo: PSNI/PA Wire

The party’s justice spokesperson at Westminster said the public are always willing to help the authorities, and could have assisted in the hunt for Maghaberry prison absconder Ray Lee had they been notified earlier.

Police said that the 30-year-old had been on remand, having been charged with serious fraud offences, but failed to return to prison after being released to attend a funeral in Dublin.

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The PSNI said Lee is “believed by police to be the lead member of an organised crime gang which targeted the elderly”.

DUP MP Gavin Robinson. Photo: Colm Lenaghan/PacemakerDUP MP Gavin Robinson. Photo: Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker
DUP MP Gavin Robinson. Photo: Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker

He was due back at Maghaberry on August 24.

On Friday, Gavin Robinson said: "The question is, why are we only hearing about it today?

"Whenever errors occur, or whenever people abscond, the public are always willing to assist police and the prison service to return people back to prison, so why on earth has it taken three weeks for Ray Lee to be brought to public attention?

"Have they only noticed, or were they hoping that they wouldn't have to seek our assistance?”

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Mr Robinson added: "We expect the system to keep the public safe, and that means keeping people behind bars when they should be behind bars."

In a statement, the PSNI said: "Ray Lee was charged by police in May 2021 in relation to numerous fraud offences and is currently on remand pending crown court trial.

"Lee is believed to be the lead member of an organised crime gang involved in targeting the elderly and vulnerable in a series of frauds in which he purported to be a police officer in order to convince the victims to hand over cash and jewellery. Over 40 victims reported losses to police to the value of over £200,000.

"He is described as being approximately 5ft 9in tall, is of slim build and has brown eyes and brown hair."

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The statement continued: "He was granted compassionate bail to attend a funeral in Dublin in August but failed to return as required to HMP Maghaberry on Thursday August 24.

"Officers would ask Lee, or anyone who knows of his whereabouts, to contact police on 101."