Forever Living helps small business owners take charge again

Kazia McCoubrey was running two highly successful dance schools around the Belfast area when the pandemic hit forcing her to close her doors to her pupilsKazia McCoubrey was running two highly successful dance schools around the Belfast area when the pandemic hit forcing her to close her doors to her pupils
Kazia McCoubrey was running two highly successful dance schools around the Belfast area when the pandemic hit forcing her to close her doors to her pupils
Many small business owners have suffered in the last year, forced to close during lockdowns, many without access to financial support – but for some, a network marketing ‘side hustle’ with Forever Living has provided vital income support.

Mum-of-three Laura Doherty (34) was devastated when she had to close her hair and beauty salon in Donegal last March.

“My last day in the salon was on Paddy’s day, as we went into the first lockdown,” says Laura. “Like everyone I hoped we were soon going to be able to get back to normal, but it became obvious that the uncertainty was set to continue and that any return to normal working or income couldn’t be planned for.

“As we went into the second full lockdown I knew I needed to take action. Prior to opening my salon, I had run a Forever Living business for four years which ironically had helped me fund the start of my hairdressing salon. I considered my options and felt increasingly that a return to running a Forever business was the answer.”

Laura rejoined Forever Living just before Christmas and threw herself back into the world of retailing its aloe-based health and wellness products.

Laura added: “I reconnected with the business quickly and refreshed my knowledge with a lot of online training, both around the products and the business.

“In January I made €2,000 and have continued to earn at least as much as I was making from the salon. Apart from the regular income which has been a lifeline, I hadn’t realised how stressed and tired I had become running the salon with all its responsibilities for staff and overheads.

“I am excited about the future now instead of feeling worried, and feel that I am in charge of my life again. It’s an amazing feeling.”

Beatriz Miranda (41) from Dublin was having some success with her fledgling business supporting hospitality clients with their social media when the pandemic hit: “I could see that my prospects were bleak as we went into lockdown and my business just fell away. My prospects looked slim.”

Four years prior, Beatriz had started a Forever Living business while on maternity leave with her youngest child. She saw it as an opportunity to do something for herself to keep her mind healthy and use the products.

After maternity leave, she re-focused on her 9-to-6 job and her Forever business faded away. In April last year she decided to rejoin and says: “I had more time to devote but more importantly I was motivated in a completely different way than I had been the first time around.

“My children were a little older and not needing quite so much of my time and with my social media skills I found I was easily able to connect with people and develop a good customer base online. In my first month I made €250 profit from retailing the products and I was amazed.”

Since then Beatriz has gone from strength-to-strength, working around home schooling and taking care of her family.

Kazia McCoubrey (47) was running two highly successful dance schools around the Belfast area when the pandemic hit forcing her to close her doors to her pupils.

While many businesses were able to transition to an online world Kazia said: “Unfortunately ballet is not a discipline that lends itself to virtual classes. Like everyone I hoped the lockdown would be brief, but it became obvious by September that there was not going to be any quick solution.

“As a mum-of-two I knew I had to start looking for another source of income. I came across Forever Living and I took the plunge in November and embarked on developing social media skills and trainings to understand the range of products. I’m now five months into this new venture and consistently earning over £500 per month.

“I am very excited about how things are going to develop over the coming months and it feels good to have taken some control back into my life. I am living proof that whatever your background you can make this work if you are open to developing the skills.”

For more information, please visit

As with any financial commitment, people are encouraged to seek independent financial advice and fully understand the business model before investing in any new opportunity.

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