Business Support plan to help local firms

Patrick McAliskeyPatrick McAliskey
Patrick McAliskey
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises will be able to reach their full potential, unlock innovation and reshape for the future with the help of ABC Council’s new flagship support programme: Transform Your Business.

Transform Your Business launches virtually this Tuesday, March 23 and offers an ambitious and multi-faceted suite of programmes designed to help eligible companies based in the ABC Council area increase their capacity and capability to continually grow.

The free support programme will provide bespoke one-to-one mentoring and a series of best practice workshops specifically tailored to young entrepreneurs, social enterprises and digit-tech companies as well as to firms seeking to export, innovate or digitally transform their practices.

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The Programme’s highly-anticipated virtual launch will feature one of Northern Ireland’s most respected IT professionals and business leaders, Patrick McAliskey, as its keynote speaker. A native of Lurgan in County Armagh, Patrick co-founded Novosco in 2007 and led it from a micro operation to one of the leading IT infrastructure and managed-services firms in the UK and Ireland - with more than 300 employees and annual revenues of almost £60 million!

The online event will also see a range of local companies share honest and insightful stories on how similar council programmes helped support their business growth.

Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Councillor Kevin Savage said: “By offering key economic support interventions to our young entrepreneurs, social enterprises, digi-tech firms as well as providing assistance around exporting, digital transformation and innovation strategies, the Transform Your Business Programme will not only help a wide range of local micro, small and medium-sized enterprises regain the ability to grow but it will also ensure their ability to survive and thrive in a rapidly evolving economic environment. I would encourage all those eligible to tune in on Tuesday, March 23 at 10am to hear more about how this exciting new programme can help advance the growth of your business!”

Chair of ABC Council’s Economic Development and Regeneration Committee, Councillor Brian Pope explained: “Matched only to the borough’s go-getting and innovative companies, this ambitious new suite of programmes, provided through Transform Your Business, will support local enterprises to continue to push forward in seeking out and leveraging new opportunities, enabling them to advance and accelerate their sustainable economic growth.”

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This project is part funded by Invest Northern Ireland and the European Regional Development Fund under the Investment for Growth & Jobs Northern Ireland (2014-2020) programme.

The virtual launch of Transform Your Business will take place via zoom from 10am to 11.15am. Book at

Transform Your Business is being delivered in partnership with Invest Northern Ireland and Innovate NI.

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