Alchemy Technology Services ranked 11th on the UK’s Best Workplaces for Women List

Anne O’Neill, Head of HR, Katie Forrest, HR Assistant and Lauren Baker, Resource ManagerAnne O’Neill, Head of HR, Katie Forrest, HR Assistant and Lauren Baker, Resource Manager
Anne O’Neill, Head of HR, Katie Forrest, HR Assistant and Lauren Baker, Resource Manager
Londonderry’s Alchemy Technology Services has been ranked number 11 on the UK’s Best Workplaces™ for Women List 2021.

A global centre of excellence for insurance software implementation and support services, the company was also recently ranked as number 29 on the UK’s Best Workplaces List.

To make the list of Best Workplaces for Women, Alchemy, had to meet additional criteria from their UK Best Workplaces recognition including having at least 25% women in the workforce, at least 25% of women in senior positions and at least 80% average positive survey responses from the female workforce.

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Considering factors such as daily encounters of innovation, inclusivity, company values, and the effectiveness of leaders, the women of Alchemy rated their workplace experience as consistently great.

John Colwell, Board Sponsor for Diversity and Inclusion, said: “We have always been proactive about ensuring we have a female workforce who feel supported and secure in their roles. The Tech industry is renowned for having few women in roles at all levels, so we are delighted to see that our efforts are paying off and that we have a higher-than-average female to male ratio and women in Leadership at Alchemy.”

Anne O’Neill, Head of HR. continued: “It is so important that we not only create an environment where our female employees are treated fairly and equitably but that we lay the groundwork to ensure that young women and girls coming through school and higher education feel that a successful and prosperous career in Tech is within their reach. We have been and will continue to be active within schools and various groups to break down stereotypes and ensure that young women feel empowered to consider and are supported to pursue IT as a career.”

Alchemy have already achieved Bronze Award Accreditation with Diversity Mark NI which is a “Mark of Progress” that publicly declares their commitment to advancing Diversity and Inclusion across the organisation. Through this process they established targets to review all policies and procedures for gender bias, increase the percentage of women in the workplace and through engagement with external bodies supporting gender equality, encourage and support women to become more confident and successful.

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